Chevrolet is really heating up the buzz over the new Chevy Camaro. The latest word is that the hard-top concept shown last year at the 2006 Detroit Auto Show will begin production late next year and be introduced early in 2009.
Further heat was created at the 2007 North American Auto Show, with the showing of a bright orange Camaro convertible concept car. The truth is that this concept is so refined, it could well be a close facsimile of a production example that is scheduled to see introduction as a 2009 model.
The styling is fairly similar to the silver hard-top Camaro concept. However, the bright pearl coat “Hugger Orange” paint with dual gunmetal gray racing stripes over the hood certainly adds extra flare to an already adrenaline charged look. The vehicle is slated to ride on 21-inch front wheels and 22-inch rear rubber.
Inside the car, the interior appears to be a modern interpretation of a retro design. The rotary gauges and air vents hearken back to the Camaro and Corvettes of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
One interesting feature noted on concept on display was the presence of a clutch pedal. The thought of a 6-speed manual transmission, mated to the 400 HP 6L Corvette motor, will have all auto enthusiasts smiling for ear to ear. GM will also offer a V6 engine option, as well as the choice of an automatic gearbox.
I suppose the only thing I am left wondering is that if the cars are this close to production level in terms of appearance and design, what’s the hold up in getting them to market? 2009 seems like a long time to wait when the world wants something this bad.
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